updated: Monday 25th January 2025
We are set up to take payment only by Paypal and each item has a link to Paypal's own secure shopping cart.Payment by BACS transfer or personal cheque/postal order can be arranged if necessary.
If you are not from the UK, please select Europe or World from the drop down list on the individual product pages for shipping costs. We will discount shipping on some qty orders.
After placing an order you will receive an email from Paypal detailing your order.
We receive the same email and will then pack the item and send it.
Items are removed from the list when sold, but if for some reason an item is no longer available we will notify you and refund promptly.
Overseas buyers
Import duties and taxes may be incurred on items ordered by buyers outside the UK. These charges would occur when the package reaches its destination. Photographyattic is not responsible for these charges and we undertake to make no calculations or estimates in this regard.
International buyers are advised to contact their local customs authorities for further details on costs and procedures.
As a buyer you are the importer and should ensure that the purchase is in full compliance with the laws of your import country.
Please be aware that your package may be inspected on arrival at port for customs purposes and, as a result, may show signs of tampering.
Purchased items are dispatched within two working days (excluding weekends)
Items are delivered by standard first class post or standard airmail. Heavy bulky items will be sent by courier. Items will normally be received within within 3-5 working days for UK and 7-10 days overseas. Please contact us for specific /urgent requests.
We cannot accept responsibility for items sent overseas without insurance. Please let us know if you want to pay for insurance (Royal Mail charge around £5 extra for airsure).
If you have a problem with your order, please email first. We accept returns for faulty items or items not as described. Should you wish to return an item please remember to include your name and address in the package.
We do not store credit card details - Paypal are our payment processor.
The only personal details we hold are provided in Paypal's dispatch email which includes name address and email address.
Please see our privacy policy
Please do not hesitate to contact us for more specific details.
UPDATE 28 March 2025: