Pixco Nikon SB-900 flash diffuser Studio Lighting

Pixco Nikon SB-900 flash diffuser Studio Lighting




Studio Lighting


Second hand Pixco Nikon SB-900 flash diffuser Studio Lighting for sale

Used Flash diffuser for the Nikon SB-900. This would have originally been white diffuser but age has turned the plastic slightly yellow. This is an advantage for portraiture as the light from the flash will be slightly warmer. Could be used on the front of other flashguns that have a front tube less than 73mmx55mm


very good with original packaging slight discolouring
The photograph above is the actual pre-owned Pixco Nikon SB-900 flash diffuser on offer for sale.


£5.00 (IN STOCK: qty 1)


from £3.50


Flashgun Diffuser
Buy the used Pixco Nikon SB-900 flash diffuser from PhotographyAttic

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