10 essential photography filters

Optical camera filters

The top ten filters you should own will obviously vary from person to person and is dependent on the subjects you photograph. Our choice is most definitely the following:

  1. Circular Polariser (glare reduction and colour saturation)
    Great for landscapes, still lifes and architectural photography
  2. Grey Grad 4x (balance sky brightness)
    Great for landscapes
  3. Skylight (protects lens)
    All purpose photography
  4. Neutral Density x4 (reduces overall exposure)
    All purpose photography
  5. 81A (warms up skin tones)
    Perfect for portraits but also useful for landscapes
  6. Close up +4 (for the macro shots)
    Ideal for nature also good for still lifes
  7. Grey Grad 2x (a weaker variation on 2)
    Great for landscapes
  8. Neutral Density x8 (a stronger variation on 4)
    All purpose photography but idea for blurry  waterfalls
  9. Softar style diffuser (best softener for when you cant be bothered doing it in Photoshop)
    Perfect for wedding and portraits
  10. Star 8 (Adds star burst)
    Great for jewellery, also interesting for landscapes

Good selection? Let us know your favourite filters and what you use them for

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