Spot filter effect

An interesting and under used  filters in the Cokin range is the Incolor 061. It’s part of the spot color range, and unlike many of the other colour spot filters this one is very practical and can be used in different ways for different effects. The spot filters with colour can sometime look quite poor if not used well, whereas this one can be adjusted to give a soft focus style effect or a lovely white vignette. This makes it perfect for wedding photography or portraits.

Spot Incolor 062 Filter

The filter is available in Cokin’s A and P series and has a small hole in the centre.  When placed in front of the camera lens the hole either appears small or large, hard edged or soft edged, depending on the lens focal length and aperture used.

To get a large soft edge you should take photos using a longer focal length (around 50-80mm is fine with this filter) and use a wider aperture. If you want a more pronounced circle, use a wider lens and a smaller aperture.

spot incolor 062 texture
The texture on the filter can be made to look white/grey or neutral depending on how parallel it is to the ccd/film…and if light is reflecting on the rear surface.

062 Spot Incolor holeYou could focus lock on the filter so the subject through the hole is blurred and the filter texture sharp. This makes interesting creative shots.

spot incolour 062 in useA longer lens and wider aperture was used here. Notice how soft the edge is and how neutral the filtered area is.

spot incolor 62 softHere the filter was adjusted so the spot was on the face. You can do this if the filter is hand held in front of the camera. The filter was held further away and angled so light reflected on it.

spot incolor 62 softHere’s the filter being used to it’s best. Good choice of aperture and focal length gives a lovely diffused vignette.

spot incolor 062 hardAnother version with a slightly more defined effect. Using the filter like this is great for wedding photography and romantic portraits.

You can buy the filter here: Cokin A series 061 Spot In color Filter